Coparenting Blog
Top 5 Coparenting Strategies to “EX-Communicate" In A High Conflict Custody Dispute
When parents are in conflict over child sharing and child custody issues, there will always be tension between the parents. The tension is also felt by the children. Research shows that constant and chronic conflict...
Follow two coparenting rules to reduce conflict
COPARENTING RULE 1: Eliminate all face-to-face communication between the parents, which includes child sharing exchanges, going to the same school event or attending extracurricular events. This includes attending coparenting classes/counseling togeth...
Parents should have a clearly defined child sharing agreement, which includes specifically defined drop off and pick up times, holiday exchanges, protocol for handling emergencies, how to notify the other parent when unexpected changes occur, and any agreements related to changes in the child sharin...
Follow the “Facts Only” Rule. By creating a clearly defined child sharing agreement parents have little left to communicate about or agree on. When the child has a doctor's appointment or a school event like an open house, an email can be sent to the other parent. All communication should be written...
Clearly outline the child sharing plan/agreement by using specific language for all decisions, including schooling, medical, counseling, childcare, extracurricular activities, holidays, vacations, birthdays, family events and all other child sharing concerns for the children's needs. Detailed child ...